Platforms for Ageing Community Engagement – Exchange and Enterprise
A 3-year project funded by the EU Northern Periphery and Arctic Programme. See more details on the PLACE-EE website.
Social exclusion and loneliness have significantly negative impacts on physical and mental health. Such problems are increasingly prevalent in remote and sparsely populated regions of Europe. The lives of older citizens are further complicated by growing health and social care needs. Additionally, older people may be particularly impacted by the wider challenges faced by remote and rural communities, including the interrelated problems of declining economic activity, youth migration and limited access to goods and services. While ICT may help in alleviating these problems, older people may require help with computer and internet use.
Part of our effort at Umeå in this project was responsibility for the design and development of the Transnational Cultural History Archive, which houses content provided by cross-generational teams working in the 4 regions participating in the project
Bamford Centre for Mental Health and Wellbeing, Ulster University (Northern Ireland)
Limerick City and County Council (Ireland)
Fermanagh and Omagh District Council (Northern Ireland)
Regional Agency for Public Health and Social Well-being (Northern Ireland)
Umeå University (Sweden)
Skellefteå Municipality (Sweden)
Fjarðabyggð (Iceland)
Associate partners:
Microelectronic Application Centre (Ireland)
Institute of Public Health in Ireland (Northern Ireland)
Åsele Kommun Social Welfare Office (Sweden)
Health Care Institution of East Iceland (Iceland) AN Solutions (Iceland) CheckUp AB (Sweden)